The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Realistic Newborn Sleep Expectations

Realistic Newborn Sleep Expectations

Sleep is one of the hardest adjustments when bringing a baby into the family. Not only do newborns have more demanding sleep expectations than we do, but each baby has their own needs, and they often change with growth spurts and stages of life. But with a basic understanding of baby’s sleep needs and a willingness to listen to your mama and papa instincts, you can make it through the sleep challenges of baby and toddlerhood. 

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How To Treat A Fever With Herbs and Hydrotherapy

How To Treat A Fever With Herbs and Hydrotherapy

After you watch this 6 part video series about fevers you will be equipped with the facts and practical knowledge about fevers. You can watch Video 1 is the primary video that covers causes, symptoms, types, and treatments of fevers. Or you can watch the other shorter videos that cover the portion you are the most interested in.

Video 2 What is a fever? What are high and low-grade fevers in children and adults? Video 3 covers the causes of fevers. Video 4 teaches how to take care of a fever with herbs. Video 5 demonstrates how to manage a fever with hydrotherapy. Video 6 covers when to seek medical attention for a fever.

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Treating A Fever With Hydrotherapy

Treating A Fever With Hydrotherapy
We know there are different categories and grades of fever, but now let's talk about treating the fever when necessary. Hydrotherapy is a great choice when treating fever and can be easily done at home.  Continue reading

4 Herbs that Soothe Teething Symptoms

4 Herbs that Soothe Teething Symptoms

Teething remedies, like any herbal products for young babies, can be intimidating to choose. It seems like all of the big name teething products have been under fire for one reason or another. So how can you help baby with his teething symptoms without worrying about his safety?

Children’s Tranquility herbal tincture is a blend of gentle herbs that are safe for baby and may be effective against teething symptoms. 

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Guide To Children's Coughs, Colds & Flus

Guide To Children's Coughs, Colds & Flus
The ultimate guide to children's coughs, colds and flus is a resource filled with valuable information about which herbs are safe for kids. Learn about how to use immune boosting herbs this cold and flu season to keep your kids healthy. Herbs can help sick kids feel better quickly and safely by working with their bodies immune systems.  You will learn how to cook with herbs and DIY herbal medicine making.  Check it out!
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