The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

How to Treat Clogged Milk Ducts and Prevent Mastitis.

How to Treat Clogged Milk Ducts and Prevent Mastitis.

We all know the many benefits of breastfeeding for us and our babies. If we all know how healthy breastfeeding is, why is it that 80% of moms start nursing right after birth, and by 3 months, only half are still nursing? Because breastfeeding challenges are real. They keep you up at night, and they hurt! Issues like poor latch, tongue tie, sore nipples, low milk supply, problems with infant weight gain, clogged ducts, and mastitis are painful. They can be incredibly discouraging, especially if the mother does not have a reliable support system to help her through difficult times. 

Today's post is about how to treat clogged milk ducts and prevent mastitis. I'll give you practical midwifery tips that encourage and support you to continue to breastfeed your baby.

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How to Nurture a New Mom

How to Nurture a New Mom
After giving birth, a new mother goes through tremendous changes physically, emotionally, and hormonally. She changes more during the first 72 hours postpartum than she does during her entire pregnancy! Her body is no longer dominated by progesterone and estrogen. Now, she is under the influence of lactogen and prolactin, two wonderful feel-good hormones that make it possible for her to nurse her newborn. Continue reading

Postpartum Depression and Anxiety- How Herbs, Placenta Pills and Meditation Can Help

Postpartum Depression and Anxiety-  How Herbs, Placenta Pills and Meditation Can Help
I'd like to begin by congratulating and honoring you and the fact that you've given birth, and you have a sweet baby. I want to take the time to check in with you and process how your postpartum is going. This episode of Apothecary Wisdom is dedicated to postpartum moms who feel like they have the baby blues or postpartum depression. We will explore the immense life changes, the symptoms of PPD, and find helpful ways to improve your mood with food, placenta medicine, herbs, supplements, meditations, and radical self-care. Continue reading

Tracking Your Cycle: With The Fertility Awareness Method

Tracking Your Cycle: With The Fertility Awareness Method

How often have you heard women's menstrual cycle is 28 days, and you ovulate on day 14?

This is a myth that is widely accepted as truth. Sadly this misunderstanding is the cause of countless unwanted pregnancies. And, this myth has prevented many couples who desired a pregnancy from attaining one. 

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Self Mastery How to Navigate Intense Emotions. No Mud. No Lotus.

Self Mastery How to Navigate Intense Emotions.  No Mud. No Lotus.
Wow! Here we are, 2020, in the middle of a global pandemic! Lots of us are experiencing waves of intense emotions and are looking for ways to stay centered in these extraordinary times of uncertainty.  Continue reading

Treating A Fever With Hydrotherapy

Treating A Fever With Hydrotherapy
We know there are different categories and grades of fever, but now let's talk about treating the fever when necessary. Hydrotherapy is a great choice when treating fever and can be easily done at home.  Continue reading