The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Herbal Earache Remedies- Video Series

Herbal Earache Remedies- Video Series

This is a 4 part video series covering all thing related to earaches.  Video 1 is the all inclusive video.  Video 2 covers symptoms, evaluations and herbal treatment.  Video 3 gives detailed instructions on how to administer the earache relief oil.  Video 4 teaches more about the therapeutic properties and benefits of the herbs. 


After this series you will confidently be able to address the next earache that pops up.  And if you have young children in your house they will pop up at an inconvenient time.

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Marshmallow to Soothe Sore Throats

Marshmallow to Soothe Sore Throats

No, not that kind of marshmallow – kind of. The sugary treats found in the store that we roast for s’mores has its origins in an herbal root that has been used for centuries. While the big bags of puffed marshmallows aren’t likely to hold any of the real thing, you can actually make your own, much healthier, versions using marshmallow root powder. Or, enjoy marshmallow in tea for a much simpler (but not as sweet!) way to soothe a sore throat.

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5 Herbal Cough Remedies For Kids

5 Herbal Cough Remedies For Kids

As a busy mom, you’d love to just cuddle your coughing child until they feel better, but the world keeps moving and you’ve got to keep up. Those days were and are awful, and they weighed heavily on my mind as I chose herbs for a supportive tincture. 

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Exploring Herbal Support for Perimenopausal Women

Exploring Herbal Support for Perimenopausal Women

As a perimenopausal woman, you may be exploring which herbs and botanicals  can help manage the symptoms and challenges accompanying this natural life transition. Herbal medicine and women's wisdom are intertwined and rooted in nature and ancestral ways. We call this the wise woman way.


In this blog, I will share with you some of the most well-known and loved herbs for perimenopausal women. 




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Herbal Remedies for Back to School

Herbal Remedies for Back to School

The kids are going back to school just as the flu season kicks off. Now that all the kids are in close quarters, that slight cough or cold becomes harder for little bodies to defend against because they are so exhausted and stressed - illness is never preferable, and it always seems to hit at the worst times. Who wants to miss the big field trip or stay home sniffling when their friends are back at school playing with each other? As parents of more than one child, you know that means the sickness will make the rounds to the entire family.


Thankfully, we have lots of healthy herbs to build and strengthen our kids' immune systems as they go back to school so they can stay as healthy as possible even if they've been exposed to bacteria and viruses.

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Back to School Resilience: Strengthening Kids' Immune Systems with Three Herbal Remedies

Back to School Resilience: Strengthening Kids' Immune Systems with Three Herbal Remedies
As kids gear up to head back to school, parents and caregivers are always on the lookout for ways to ensure their children's health and well-being. One effective approach is to support their immune systems through natural herbal remedies. We offer a range of herbal products designed to bolster kids' immunity and respiratory health, helping them stay strong and thrive in the school environment. Continue reading

7 Tips for Breastfeeding Success

7 Tips for Breastfeeding Success

In some ways, breastfeeding is an instinctual art, but in other ways, it is a learned skill that takes time and space to master. Have you ever looked in a breastfeeding book and the images looked blissful? Well those women have mastered breastfeeding. It takes time and lots of practice to master something. Let me give you an example of what I mean. Have you ever looked at a yoga book and thought that the poses looked easy? What happened when you tried the poses for the first time? Did you wobble and topple over? Right! We all do. The woman doing yoga has mastered the poses. She practiced and practiced for months and maybe years before she got the confidence up to have someone photograph her for the book.


It’s the same with breastfeeding. It looks natural and easy, but it is a learned skill that requires perfect practice to master. This type of mastery requires patience and persistence.

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Why Do I Have a Low Milk Supply?

Why Do I Have a Low Milk Supply?
Are you one of the millions of moms who wonder if you are making enough breastmilk for your baby? Being concerned about Low milk supply can keep you up at night and fill you with worry and doubt. In fact, if you actually have a low milk supply in some cases, it is devastating. One thing to keep in mind is that milk supply is not a stable constant amount: our supply ebbs and flows. Within the normal breastfeeding process, there are times at our supply peaks and times when it dips. This is normal and to be expected. On today's episode of Apothecary Wisdom, and in this post, we are exploring the top 11 reasons for low milk supply. Your low supply issue could be a temporary problem that will resolve itself naturally or be something you need to address immediately! Watch this video or read this post to find out! Continue reading

How To Treat A Sunburn Naturally

How To Treat A Sunburn Naturally

When the inevitable happens and a summer day ends with sunkissed cheeks – or, worse, uncomfortable sunburns, have a remedy on hand! Gels, salves, and sprays can all be soothing. You want a good sunburn remedy to sooth the pain, reduce inflammation, and moisten skin that will eventually dry out and peel.

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Plantain: Nature's Best Anti-Itch Bug Bite Relief Remedy

Plantain: Nature's Best Anti-Itch Bug Bite Relief Remedy

Oh, sweet summertime! How I love you! The sun rises early and sets late. I get to spend more time in the garden and on long mountain hikes. Honestly, though, summertime in Arkansas is both beautiful and brutal! We have so many bugs, ticks, mosquitos, and chiggers. Fortunately, we also have fireflies! No seriously, during the summer, my whole family is riddled with itchy bug bites and insect stings for months.  

Today I'm going to share one of my favorite summertime herbs with you. Plantain is one of the best natural anti-itch bug bite relief remedy known to humankind! Stick around if you can relate to loving summer and needing relief from all the itchy bug bites.  

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